7 Day Diet

7 Day Diet

Prep for contest or photoshoot

Follow this diet from Day 1 to Day 4

Chicken Breast * 135g
Rice Cake 2
Cucumber 75g
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs
MEAL 2  
Hake * 150g
Potatoe 30g
Cucumber 75g
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs
MEAL 3  
Hake * 150g
Potatoe 60g
Cucumber 75g
Apple Cider Vinergar 1tbs
MEAL 4  
Hake * 150g
Potatoe 30g
Cucumber 75g
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs
MEAL 5  
Hake * 150g
Rice Cake 2
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs
Brocoli 100g


Only Hamalyan Salt & as little as possible

Consume 7 Liters of Water each day

2 x 1000mg Vitamin C per day (1 x Breakfast and 1 x Lunch)



Follow this Diet on Day 5


Chicken Breast * 135g 200g
Basmati Rice 100g 100g
Asparagus 4 4
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
MEAL 2  
Hake * 100g 150g
Basmati Rice 100g 100g
Asparagus 4 4
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
MEAL 3  
Hake * 100g 150g
Basmati Rice 80g 80g
Asparagus 4 4
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
MEAL 4  
Hake * 80g 100g
Basmati Rice 60g 60g
Asparagus 4 4
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
MEAL 5  
Hake * 60g 80g
Rice Cake 2 2
Brocoli 100g 100g
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs


No Salt

3 x 1000mg Vitamin C per day (1 x Breakfast & 1 x Lunch & 1 x Dinner)

Consume 2 Liters of Water

Follow this Diet on Day 6


Chicken Breast * 135g 180g
Basmati Rice 50g 50g
Sweet Potatoe 50g 50g
Asparagus 2 2
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
10:00am – MEAL 2  
Chicken Breast * 100g 150g
Basmati Rice 50g 50g
Sweet Potatoe 50g 50g
Asparagus 2 2
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
13:00pm – MEAL 3  
Lean Mince * 100g 150g
Basmati Rice 80g 80g
Sweat Potatoe 50g 50g
Asparagus 2 2
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
16:00pm – MEAL 4  
Lean Mince * 80g 100g
Basmati Rice 50g 50g
Sweet Potatoe 50g 50g
Asparagus 2 2
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs
19:00pm – MEAL 5  
Lean Mince * 60g 80g
Basmati Rice 100g 100g
Rice Cake 4 4
Brocoli 100g 100g
Apple Cider Vinegar 1tbs 1tbs


No Salt

4 x 1000mg Vitamin C per day (1 x Breakfast, 1 x Lunch, 1 x Brunch & 1 x Dinner)

Consume 1 Liter of Water (No water from 20:00pm)

After 20:00pm take 1 Slice of Chocolate Cake & 100ml Red Wine (no water anymore at all)

Follow this Diet on Shoot Day or Contest Day

06:00am – BREAKFAST  (VEGAN DIET) All Gender
Whole Eggs  * 3
Brown Bread Toast 4 Slices
Cheese  * 50g
Butter  * 10g
Honey 6tbs
30min prior to photoshoot/contest
Bar One 1 bar
Salt & Vinegar Chips 1 packet
Flat Coca Cola (without Gas) 100ml


After shoot you can enjoy the meal of your choice (Take note you are dehydrated & depleted so eat in moderation to prevent excess bloat) 

Consume 3 Liter of Water (for rest of day after shoot/contest)

Weight Training

Cardio Workout

Agility Training

Meal Planning