Diet Plan – 30 Days

30 Day Diet Plan

Diet Guidelines

  • Drink 2 – 3 litre water per day
  • Coffee, Rooibos, Green Tea, Soda Water (Unlimited) – Nescafe, Jacobs, Filter Coffee is real coffee (Frisco & Ricoffee is not coffee)
  • Use Stevia, Honey or Xylitol for sweetness & no sugar at all.
  • Only full cream milk allowed (No milk if possible) Full cream for all dairy products like cottage cheese, cheese ect. If it is on your programme.
  • On cheat day, please try to avoid sugar, rather have pizza or a burger. * You only measure and weigh again after 21 days please!
  • No Alcohol
  • Feel free to use spices (real spices like cinnamon, thyme, parsley, rosemary)
  • You may steam, grill, boil or bake food. Use Olive oil, Conconut oil where I say you can. Real butter and spray & cook is also fine.
  • Please use your own creativity when it comes to preparing your food.
  • Avoid ALL processed foods.
  • Sugar Free Peanut Butter at Dis-chem or Woolworths.
  • Only use 100% pure whey protein.

Food Options

Protein Carbs Fats Vegetables Fruits Dairy
Whey Protein Oats Peanut Butter Broccoli Pineapple Plain Yoghurt
Eggs – whole Matabela Olive Oil Brussel Apple Cottage Cheese
Egg Whites Barley Avocado Oil Sprouts Strawberries Cheddar Cheese
Tuna (Canned) Tasty Wheat Coconut Milk Spinash Blueberries Mozarella
Sardines Weetbix Almonds Green Beans Bananas Sour Cream
Fish (All fresh) Muesli Walnuts Cauliflower Grapes Cream Cheese
Ostrich Rye Cashews Lettuce Grapefruit Feta Cheese
Chicken Seed Loaf Butter Green Pepper Watermelon
Beef Bread Flaxseed Oil Red Pepper Pear
Biltong Rice Cakes Olives Tomato Peaches
Beef Jerkey Brown Rice Avocado Carrots Pawpaw
Pork Basmati Rice Pumpkin Kiwi
Prawns Pasta Mushrooms
Calamari Couscous Peas
Quinoa Potato (White) Cucumber
Spirulina Sweet Potato Cabbage
Lentils Beetroot
Matzos (Jewish) Asparagus
Kidney Beans
Pinto Beans
Raw Honey

Carb Cycle Schedule

Day 1 – Low Day 2 – Low Day 3 – High Day 4 – Fasting Day 5 – Low Day 6 – Low
Day 7 – High Day 8 – Fasting Day 9 – Low Day 10 – Low Day 11 – Low Day 12 – High
Day 13 – Fasting Day 14 – Low Day 15 – Low Day 16 – Low Day 17 – Low Day 18 – High
Day 19 – Fasting Day 20 – Low Day 21 – Low Day 22 – Low Day 23 – Low Day 24 – Low
Day 25 – High Day 26 – Fasting Day 27 – Low Day 28 – Low Day 29 – Low Day 30 Low

Fasting Day

  • On your fasting days you will start fasting form your last dinner, for example Day 4 is fasting, you will eat your dinner day 3 for example at 7pm, you will then fast for 24 hours.
  • So your next meal will be 7pm on your fasting day. If you do get hungry during your fasting days, please only eat GREEN FOOD for example cucumber, broccoli, green apples etc.
  • Only ONE cup of coffee or tea to start your day. NO milk and NO sugar are allowed in your drink!
  • Drink water or sodawater the rest of the day. Add lemon and/ or cucumber slices to your water. You may drink as much water or sodawater as you wish. It keeps the tummy full.

Options Quantity Protein Carbs Fats Calories
Beef Cooked weight 120g 35 0 10 230
Sweet Potato Cooked Weight 120g 2 24 0 104
Butternut Cooked Weight 80g 1 8 0 36


Meal 1

  • Meal replacement or 100% pure Whey Protein Shake or 2 Whole Eggs, add 1 Tomato

Meal 2

  • 10 Nuts of choice or 50g Biltong, 2 Slices Pineapple or Green Apple 

Meal 3

  • Chicken / Fish / Tuna / Beef / Ostrich (90g) Add medium size white potato
  • Add cup tomato and cucumber slices.

Meal 4

  • 10 Nuts of choice or 50g Biltong, 2 Slices Pineapple or Green Apple

Meal 5

  • Pork / Fish / Chicken / Beef (120g)
  • Add unlimited Green Veggies

Meal 6

1 x Green Apple


(You may use your meal replacement shake on MEALS 1, 3 or 5)



Meal 1

  • 1 Banana or Whole Egg
  • 40g Raw weight Oats
  • 1 Teaspoon Butter or Peanut Butter Sweeten with honey or sweetener

Meal 2

  • 2 x Rice Cakes / Cracker Bread
  • Spread with 1 teaspoon Peanut Butter per rice cake or cracker bread or Cottage Cheese

Meal 3

  • 90g Chicken / Tuna / Beef / Fish
  • 100gr Brown or Basmati Rice or a medium size sweet Potato
  • 1 cup Veggies or Green Salad

Meal 4

  • 2 x Rice Cakes / Cracker Bread
  • Spread with 1 teaspoon Peanut Butter per rice cake or cracker bread or Cottage Cheese

Meal 5

  • 120g Chicken / Beef / Fish / Tuna
  • 1/4 Avo or 1/4 Block of Feta
  • 1 Cup Green Veggies or Salad

Meal 6

  • 15 – 20 RAW Almonds or 1 Boiled Egg


(You may replace meals 1,3 or 5 with Whey)


Weight Training

Cardio Workout

Agility Training

Meal Planning