Questions & Answers

Health Tips


Why is calves called the second heart? (Why Soleus called peripheral heart)

Together, the calf’s muscles (soleus) and deep vein system form a complex array of valves and pumps, often referred to as the “peripheral heart,” that functions to push blood upward from the feet against gravity.

Blood moves within the venous system because of the heart’s residual pumping force, the negative pressure in the veins created while breathing, as well as the contraction of the muscles in the calf and foot – a muscle-vein system often referred to as the second heart

What causes tight calves (soleus)?

While soleus injuries typically result from overuse, a gastrocnemius strain is more likely to be a sudden injury.

Commonly called tennis leg, this strain is often the result of a quick movement, such as sprinting or jumping.

How long does it take for calves (soleus) to heal?

This injury consists of a more significant, but still incomplete muscle tear.

This a partial muscle tear and requires 3 to 6 weeks of rest and recovery before you can return to full activity.

Can you run with a calve (soleus) strain?

Allow enough time for recovery and avoid performing a running session too soon after a rehabilitation session.

During rehabilitation, the soleus muscle will suffer from trigger points and range of movement restrictions. As needed, perform regular dry needling to trigger points, deep tissue massage and stretching.

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