
Shoulder Group 1

 4 sets of each (150 reps only 1 set)

Barbell Shoulder Press Behind Neck

Standing Shoulder Press behind Neck – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Working your shoulders, upper back, and upper arms is an excellent way to improve upper body strength. It also increases shoulder stability and mobility. For participants with normal trunk stability and ideal shoulder ROM, overhead pressing is a safe exercise (for the shoulder and spine) when performed either in-front of or behind the head.

Overhead pressing can increase:
  • strength and size of the shoulder muscles.
  • strength and size of the triceps muscles.
  • strength and size of the trapezius muscle.
  • strength in the core muscles, such as your obliques, transverse abdominal muscles, lower back, and spinal stabilizers, when performing the exercise while standing.
Military Press Barbell (front)

Standing barbell press in front – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Military press: It is a shoulder exercise that focuses primarily on the deltoids,rear deltoids, and triceps. Start with the barbell resting on your collarbone, around shoulder height. Lift the weight up until your arms are almost fully extended staright up. Finish one rep by lowering the weight back down to your collarbone. In military press you stand to attention,feet together. This makes the military a bit more difficult,as it recruit more muscle in your body to keep equilibrium. The military press is one of the best exercises for developing almost every major muscle group in your body, including your shoulders, upper chest, triceps, and core, and even your glutes, biceps, and lats to a lesser degree.

Wide Upright Row

Standing upright row wide – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)
Benefits of Upright Rows
  • Shoulder Size and Muscle. The upright row is a great movement to increase the muscular size and strength of the shoulders, specifically the anterior and lateral heads of the deltoid. …
  • Bigger Traps. …
  • Better Cleans and Snatches.
Shoulder Press Hammer Strength Machine

Seated Shoulder Press Hammer Strength Machine – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)
Benefits of Shoulder Press Exercises
  • Improved Strength. The most obvious benefit of the shoulder press exercise is improved strength. …
  • Stronger Bones. An important benefit of the shoulder press exercise as well as any other strength-training exercise is increased bone strength. …
  • Improved Stability. …
  • Improvements in Other Areas.
Kettle Bell Swings

Standing with feet wide apart – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)
Kettlebell Swing Benefits
  • It’s a very efficient full body exercise. The kettlebell swing hits almost everything in your body.
  • Works your cardio.
  • Improves athleticism.
  • Strengths dozens of muscles quickly.
  • Improves balance and posture.
  • Enhances flexibility.
  • Convenience.
  • Burn calories and fat.
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Shoulder Group 2

 4 sets of each (150 reps only 1 set)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Seated or Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Dumbbell shoulder pressing is a great way to build hypertrophy and increase muscular activation, as the dumbbells work to recruit new muscle fibers and increase movement coordination, similarly to other unilateral training benefits

Reverse Shoulder Press

Standing or Seated (EZ Barbell) Reverse Grip Shoulder Press – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

When you take an underhand grip on shoulder presses, the emphasis shifts to the front delts and the very upper fibers of the upper pecs. Your elbows flare out to your sides on standard overhand-grip barbell and dumbbell shoulder presses, placing more emphasis on the middle deltoid head. With an underhand grip, the elbows travel more in front of the body, calling on more front-deltoid fibers. The elbows also drop farther in the bottom position of the shoulder press with an underhand grip, involving more upper pecs; the front delts take on the majority of the load after the upper arms come parallel to the floor. Many bodybuilders are more concerned with middle-delt head development than their front delts, but the reverse-grip shoulder press is a great way to shape the chest-delt tie-in (the groove that separates the pecs and delts), making both muscle groups look that much more impressive.

Alternating Reverse Press

Standing or Seated (Dumbbell) Reverse Grip Dumbbell Shoulder Press – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)


Bent Over Dumbell Row

Seated or Standing – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

The bent over dumbbell row is widely considered to be one of the best muscle building exercises for the back and also for the shoulders. It works both areas well and has been known to improve overall strength and also build muscle.

Arnold Press

Standing or Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

The Arnold press is a killer upper body move. It will tone and strengthen your deltoids (the triangular muscles on top of your shoulders). And because the Arnold press involves moving in multiple planes of motion, you’ll get the benefit of targeting several areas of the muscles involved instead of just one.

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Shoulder Group 3

 4 sets of each (150 reps only 1 set)

Seated Side Lateral Raises

Seated Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps(Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Done regularly, the lateral raise can help you achieve muscle hypertrophy (growth) of the lateral deltoid, giving you the appearance of broader, stronger shoulders. Aside from superficial appearance benefits, the exercise also helps strengthen your shoulders independently.

Standing Side Lateral Raises

Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps(Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Done regularly, the lateral raise can help you achieve muscle hypertrophy (growth) of the lateral deltoid, giving you the appearance of broader, stronger shoulders. Aside from superficial appearance benefits, the exercise also helps strengthen your shoulders independently.

Overhead Dumbbell Flyes (Special)

Seated or Standing Overhead Dumbbell Flyes (Specials) – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

Your palm of hands face to ceiling when arms wide open and when you raise towards your above your head you twist so your palms face away from one another when hands touch above your head.


Standing Dumbbell Front Raises

Standing front dumbbell front raises and or reverse or side grip raises – Select intensity below:

  • 15 reps (High: Strength & Build)
  • 20 reps (Medium: Strength, Build & Low Endurance)
  • 25 reps (Medium: Strength, Build, Endurance & Hard)
  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)

The front dumbbell raise is a simple weightlifting exercise that targets the fronts and sides of the shoulders, upper chest muscles, and biceps. Suitable for all levels, this shoulder flexion exercise is a great way to build strength, improve shoulder mobility, and tone your upper body.

Log Press

Standing Log Press – Select intensity below:

  • 30 reps (Average: Strength & Build + Medium Endurance & Hard)
  • 50 reps (Low: Strength & Build + High Endurance & Hard)
When it comes to overhead pressing, the log offers four unique benefits over the traditional barbell:
  • Neutral grip handles.
  • Instability.
  • More fun.
  • Carryover to the Bench Press.
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